- channelsMessagesCreate
Message channelsMessagesCreate(Snowflake chan, inout(string) content, inout(string) nonce, inout(bool) tts, inout(MessageEmbed) embed)
Sends a message to a channel.
- channelsMessagesDelete
void channelsMessagesDelete(Snowflake chan, Snowflake msg)
- channelsMessagesDeleteBulk
void channelsMessagesDeleteBulk(Snowflake chan, Snowflake[] msgIDs)
Deletes messages in bulk.
- channelsMessagesList
Message[] channelsMessagesList(Snowflake chan, uint limit = 50, MessageFilter filter = MessageFilter.BEFORE, Snowflake msg = 0)
Returns an array of message IDs for a channel up to limit (max 100),
filter with respect to supplied messageID.
- channelsMessagesModify
Message channelsMessagesModify(Snowflake chan, Snowflake msg, inout(string) content, inout(MessageEmbed) embed)
Edits a messages contents.
- gatewayGet
string gatewayGet()
Returns a valid Gateway Websocket URL
- guildsChannelsList
Channel[] guildsChannelsList(Snowflake id)
Returns a list of channels for a Guild.
- guildsDelete
void guildsDelete(Snowflake id)
- guildsGet
Guild guildsGet(Snowflake id)
Returns a Guild for a Snowflake ID.
- guildsMembersKick
void guildsMembersKick(Snowflake id, Snowflake user)
Removes (kicks) a user from a Guild.
- guildsModify
Guild guildsModify(Snowflake id, VibeJSON obj)
- requestJSON
APIResponse requestJSON(CompiledRoute route)
Makes a HTTP request to the API (with empty body), returning an APIResponse
- requestJSON
APIResponse requestJSON(CompiledRoute route, string[string] params)
Makes a HTTP request to the API (with JSON body), returning an APIResponse
- requestJSON
APIResponse requestJSON(CompiledRoute route, VibeJSON obj)
Makes a HTTP request to the API (with JSON body), returning an APIResponse
- requestJSON
APIResponse requestJSON(CompiledRoute route, string[string] params, string content)
Makes a HTTP request to the API (with string body), returning an APIResponse
- usersGet
User usersGet(Snowflake id)
Return a User object for a Snowflake ID.
- usersMeDMSCreate
Channel usersMeDMSCreate(Snowflake recipientID)
Creates a new DM for a recipient (user) ID. Returns a Channel object.
- usersMeDMSList
Channel[] usersMeDMSList()
Returns a list of Channel objects for the current user.
- usersMeGet
User usersMeGet()
Return the User object for the currently logged in user.
- usersMeGuildsLeave
void usersMeGuildsLeave(Snowflake id)
- usersMeGuildsList
Guild[] usersMeGuildsList()
Returns a list of Guild objects for the current user.
- usersMePatch
User usersMePatch(string username, string avatar)
Modifies the current users settings. Returns a User object.
APIClient is the base abstraction for interacting with the Discord API.